Medico Advice Module currently on a pilot scale has been designed to provide 24 x 7 medical treatment and aid to seafarers whilst serving onboard ships out at sea using modern technological tools for effective remote communication.

In this module India House Path Lab assigns a dedicated trained qualified medical practitioner to provide preferential and committed medical advice to the crew of the shipping company to include the following:

>24 x 7 medical treatment for all illness/ injury or medical incidents suffered by seafarers whilst onboard        ships out at sea.
>Continuous monitoring and quality control of shore based medical care.
>Follow-up treatment and hospitalization post repatriation to Mumbai.
>Rehabilitation and return to fitness

Additionally India House Path Lab also provides:

>Ship Hospital and Drug Register control
>Health advice and counselling to prevent medical incidents.
>Analytical MIS and root cause analytical reports.
Worldwide ports covered by
India House Path Lab for
DNA testing service