India House Path Lab is aware of its social responsibilities and has made a modest attempt to "give back to society" by working for the following charitable institutions since a decade:

A) "Asha Sadan", managed by Maharashtra State Women's Council, is a "House of Hope" for abandoned children & rescued girls on remand or committed by the Juvenile Courts of India. Here, abandoned street children from unwanted pregnancies of Professional sex workers, & other homeless children are housed and cared for. These children are medically examined and cured of disease. After relevant pathological investigations at India House Path Lab, and on being certified free of disease are made legally available for adoption.

B) India House Path Lab also works for "Missionaries for Charity - Mother Teresa home" that houses and cares for homeless, abandoned street children. These children are cured of disease and alter pathological investigations at India House Path Lab, if found medically fit eligible for adoption.

C) "Al Barr" is a charitable trust set up by Al Barrka financial company for medical treatment of predominantly the Muslim community for treating patients with chronic diseases like tuberculosis, HIV, renal failure, chronic jaundice etc who cannot afford the cost of medication of such long standing diseases.

D) Over the last 5 years, India House Path Lab as a conscious policy, employs only peons and runner boys from "Tarun Sadan," a Government aided home for delinquent street boys. Tarun Sadan adopts delinquent street boys & after a proper police registeration & verification procedure, provides counselling and employment to them, in an attempt to make them more specially acceptable and self sufficient. The home takes responsibility of behavioural problems and aids India House Path Lab in training these boys into leading a normal life. Many of these boys have had previous police records/ drug addiction/ involvement in petty crime problems but as Tarun Sadan provides these boys safe food, clothing and shelter they avoid going into criminal activity. With the aid of employment, these boys slowly become trained, self sufficient and socially acceptable over a period of time.
Worldwide ports covered by
India House Path Lab for
DNA testing service